Monday 1 December 2014

A Quick Visit

Took a wander down to the Allotment this morning, it's been a little while since I did anything, it's hard to get motivated at this time of year.

I was surprised to see the chilli plants still doing okay in the greenhouse. Even with the cold spell they are still nice and green, with some fruits still ripening on the bushes.

Got yet another small harvest of Yummy and Habañero  peppers, at this rate I won't have to grow any hot peppers next year at all.

The Garlic is all still doing great, so had a good weed around all the plants, Marco and Elephant Garlics are all doing the best so far with the Germidour Garlic that was planted a bit later on just starting to poke their heads up above the soil.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="702"] Before Weeding[/caption]

Next year I really need to get some more Autumn & Winter veg going as apart from a bit of Kale there is not a lot growing for us to eat over the Winter months. I do have a small amount of cabbage that was just chucked in from a few old packets of seed, but apart from one they don't seem to be doing that great.

All in all I only spent a few hours weeding and hoeing but it didn't look like I made much of a dent in the weeds really, but to be fair  that's a job for the spring.